So I decided to re-conceptualize my first album 'the fifth' into the album now titled 'factory refurbished'. It is for the most part, unchanged, save for a few tracks that have been replaced with other ones, and the addition of a brief new track (trees & blood). I also tried something new and created an experimental film to go with the new song.
It's priced at 2$ for 22 songs, and I think that's fair given that originally the album was free when I had first created it. Basically what I'm trying to do is get my music to more people, and experiment with actually selling my music. Obviously I'm not asking anyone to get the album if you already have the original one (if you happen to be among the few that downloaded it!) but feel free to 'Like' the album if you have a facebook account.
Also, I realize that I've been putting off the release of my other album, and I apologize about that. It's a pretty personal album, and to be honest I don't really know if I'm ready to showcase it just yet.
For those of you who haven't heard any of my stuff yet, I hope you enjoy it!
factory refurbished (on bandcamp)
beautiful stuff. I remember some of these tracks from awhile back and I'm happy to have some high quality version and some new stuff :D
Keep making great music man
Thank you !
Will do, and you too :)